2019 Commitments

National Action Plan: Currently revising the Afghanistan NAP 1325 and prioritizing implementation, M&E and financing mechanisms, and working on integrating the women, peace and security agenda in national legislation.


  • The 2017 status report on NAP implementation indicated that during the first phase of the NAP (2015-2018) there were numerous difficulties in terms of NAP implementation, such as the lack of cooperation between ministries and the absence of budgeting and funding for the implementation of the NAP 1325.
  • In the 27 July 2020 Arria Formula Meeting on Women in the Afghan Peace Process, Minister of Women’s Affairs Hasina Safi called for support for the implementation of the second phase of the Afghan 1325 National Action Plan, including its localization across the provinces
  • The national reporting of the Government of Afghanistan for Beijing+25 provided several updates on the work of the government in relation to Women, Peace and Security.
    • Since the passage of NAP 1325 in June 2015, “NAP Focal Points” have been appointed at key ministries to facilitate implementation. (pg. 104)
    • Updated indicators for the period 2019-2023 are available (pg. 128)
    • Multiple challenges to the meaningful participation of women are noted as barriers to NAP implementation, including patriarchal sensitivities, limited access to education, and the ongoing security and safety threat. (pg. 18)
    • Gender has been integrated into national climate change policies (pg. 31)
    • It noted that implementation of the NAP has faced challenges due to the division of responsibilities across ministries, however, the report also noted that it is necessary to have a whole-of-government approach. (pg. 55)

Participation: Afghanistan pledges to actively and meaningfully engage women in the ongoing peace process and negotiations with the Taliban.

  • Updates:
    • The Afghan government negotiating team for the intra-Afghan talks with the Taliban, which started in September 2020, has five women.

WILPF Afghanistan noted in their submission to the CEDAW committee earlier this year, “Without an inclusive and comprehensive team for peace negotiations, tensions and mistrust in the peace process will continue. The absence of meaningful representation of diverse civil society groups, especially of women, in the peace talks thus far is noticeable”. In 23 rounds of peace talks between 2005 and 2014, women were at the table on only two occasions; the negotiating team that was announced after the November 2018 conference in Geneva had three women, but no civil society representatives. The talks between the United States and the Taliban sidelined the Afghan government and failed to substantively include women.

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